Lately, I have been digging into the OCI Runtime specification and runc, its reference implementation written in Go. Although I have been working with containers for as long as Kubernetes has existed, I must now admit that the runtime aspect of the standardization effort, which Linux containers underwent throughout the existence of the Open Container Initiative (OCI), went largely unnoticed to me.

Although I see it as a testament that the standardization was handled skillfully, without causing massive disruptions to platforms that rely on the container technology, it was about time for me to fill that knowledge gap.

In case you aren’t familiar with the separation of concern between a Container manager and a Container runtime, I highly recommend reading Journey From Containerization To Orchestration And Beyond, by Ivan Velichko. It is a clear and unambiguous entry point into this rabbit hole, with a bunch of external links to additional high quality resources.

Operations of an OCI Runtime

A container runtime must implement the following five self-explanatory operations to be considered compliant with the OCI Runtime specification:

  • Create
  • Start
  • State
  • Kill
  • Delete

These operations are abstract. The specification does not mandate any particular command-line API to implement a CLI runtime like runc, although some efforts exist to specify what compliance means in terms of command-line interface. This felt confusing to me at first.

Here is a sample visualization of a container lifecycle that leverages all five of these operations:

runc sequence

In the rest of this article, I will focus solely on what exactly happens in the Create and Start phases.

Step by step

As seen in the previous illustration, running a containerized process through an OCI runtime happens in two steps: create, start. For someone who typically interacts with high level container runtimes such as Docker, it is tempting to conflate these OCI operations with commands such as docker container [create|start]. This can be deceptive because those aren’t equivalent, despite having similar semantics. To understand why, we have to inspect what happens to OS processes when both of these operations are executed on the Linux host.

All experiments below are performed against an OCI bundle I called mybundle. It was generated from the contents of the Docker Hub image, which rootfs can be exported using an OCI image manipulation tool like crane. The directory structure of the bundle is like below, where config.json is the OCI runtime configuration file for the container, as generated by runc spec or a container runner/engine.

├── config.json
└── rootfs
    ├── bin
    ├── dev
    ├── etc
    ├── home
    ├── lib
    ├── ...
    ├── usr
    └── var

runc requires a root directory, and a subdirectory matching the id of the container (mycontainer) to store its state between each operation. These are usually managed by a container manager like containerd, but we are operating outside of the supervision of such manager here.

mkdir -p /run/runc/mycontainer


Let’s invoke runc create on our bundle:

runc --root /run/runc \
  create \
  --bundle ~acotten/mybundle \
  --pid-file ~acotten/ \

Now let’s query its state:

$ runc --root /run/runc state mycontainer
  "ociVersion": "1.1.0",
  "id": "mycontainer",
  "pid": 19374,
  "status": "created",
  "bundle": "/home/acotten/mybundle",
  "rootfs": "/home/acotten/mybundle/rootfs",
  "created": "2023-08-17T19:10:49.347132023Z"

One intriguing detail is that the container state already includes a process id (19374), although its status is created and not running. This is the first major difference with docker container create or its clones, which create a container from a specified image without starting it.

Now let’s check the running processes. Inside a WSL instance based on Ubuntu, the process tree looks like below:

$ ps axjf
    0     1     0     0 ... /init
    1 18594 18594 18594 ...  \_ /init
18594 18595 18595 18595 ...      \_ -zsh
18594 19374 19374 19374 ...      \_ runc init

This output includes a second intriguing but significant detail: the pid corresponds to a runc init process, which has nothing to do with our nginx bundle.


Let’s see what happens to this process when we invoke runc start:

runc --root /run/runc start mycontainer

For a very brief instant, we can witness the container’s entrypoint command being executed with the same process id, then immediately disappear:

$ ps axjf
    0     1     0     0 ... /init
    1 18594 18594 18594 ...  \_ /init
18594 18595 18595 18595 ...      \_ -zsh
18594 19374 19374 19374 ...      \_ /bin/sh / nginx -g daemon off
$ ps axjf
    0     1     0     0 ... /init
    1 18594 18594 18594 ...  \_ /init
18594 18595 18595 18595 ...      \_ -zsh

Let’s query its state one more time:

$ runc --root /run/runc state mycontainer
  "ociVersion": "1.1.0",
  "id": "mycontainer",
  "pid": 0,
  "status": "stopped",
  "bundle": "/home/acotten/mybundle",
  "rootfs": "/home/acotten/mybundle/rootfs",
  "created": "2023-08-17T19:10:49.347132023Z"

The container now has the stopped status and its process id is no longer being returned.


Before we dive a little further, let’s try to explain the behaviour we just observed. For this, we will be using one of runc’s higher level commands: runc run. This command doesn’t directly map to any of the OCI runtime operations previously enumerated, but can be roughly described as a create + start, with subtle differences.

First, we must delete the terminated container:

runc --root /run/runc delete mycontainer

Then invoke runc run the same way we invoked runc create earlier:

runc --root /run/runc \
  run \
  --bundle ~acotten/mybundle \
  --pid-file ~acotten/ \

This time around, the command doesn’t return. Instead, the standard output of the container’s init process (nginx) is being printed to the standard output of our terminal:

/ Configuration complete; ready for start up
2023/08/17 19:12:34 [notice] 1#1: using the "epoll" event method
2023/08/17 19:12:34 [notice] 1#1: nginx/1.25.1
2023/08/17 19:12:34 [notice] 1#1: built by gcc 12.2.1 20220924 (Alpine 12.2.1)
2023/08/17 19:12:34 [notice] 1#1: OS: Linux
2023/08/17 19:12:34 [notice] 1#1: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 1024:1024
2023/08/17 19:12:34 [notice] 1#1: start worker processes

In a separate terminal window, let’s inspect the state of the container, as well as the process tree:

$ runc --root /run/runc state mycontainer
  "ociVersion": "1.1.0",
  "id": "mycontainer",
  "pid": 24977,
  "status": "running",
  "bundle": "/home/acotten/mybundle",
  "rootfs": "/home/acotten/mybundle/rootfs",
  "created": "2023-08-17T19:12:34.054132023Z"

The process id reported by runc state is now shown with the running status.

$ ps axjf
    0     1     0     0 ... /init
    1 20434 20434 20434 ...  \_ /init
20434 20435 20435 20435 ...  \_ -zsh
20435 24963 24963 20435 ...      \_ runc --root /run/runc run --bundle /home/ac...
24965 24977 24977 24977 ...          \_ nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off
24977 24998 24977 24977 ...              \_ nginx: worker process
24977 24999 24977 24977 ...              \_ nginx: worker process
24977 25000 24977 24977 ...              \_ nginx: worker process
24977 25001 24977 24977 ...              \_ nginx: worker process

The corresponding process is visible in the process tree, and its command is the nginx master process, per the container’s configuration.

As you might have already guessed, the differences we observed during this experiment are related to standard I/O streams (stdin, stdout, stderr):

  • With runc run, the container’s init process (nginx) remains parented to runc, which was forked from the shell, and therefore inherited the I/O streams of that shell (foreground mode).
  • With runc start, the container’s init process had already been orphaned and re-parented to the most immediate init host process, then reaped by it immediately after exiting due to a failed write to its closed stdout.

With a container manager such as containerd in the picture, the latter is circumvented by interpolating a “container runtime shim” process between the manager and the container process. Again, the role of the runtime shim is very well described by Ivan in Journey From Containerization To Orchestration And Beyond so I am not going to expand further on that topic.

But explaining the reason why the process exited in detached mode isn’t what I’m interested in here. Let’s move on and see what actually happens in these two disjointed phases of the creation of an OCI container (Create, Start).

Multiple init phases

One might wonder what this container startup flow in two phases is good for, if the container can technically be started in one; the OCI Runtime specification doesn’t expand on the intentions behind this design. I believe that this question can be answered by drawing a parallel with some of the UNIX APIs for process creation: fork() and exec().

Interlude: UNIX processes

In UNIX systems, running a program that is different from the calling program requires two system calls:

  • fork() to create an (almost) identical copy of the calling (parent) process
  • exec() to transform the currently running program into a different running program, without creating a new process

This distinction allows the parent to run code between fork() and exec(). This is essential for a program like a UNIX shell, as it enables features such as redirection of I/O streams and other process manipulations.

For instance, when shell commands such as echo 'hi' >out.txt or echo 'hi' | wc are executed, the shell performs the following actions under the hood:

  1. Creates a child process with fork()
  2. Closes the process’ stdout, and obtain a file descriptor for whichever destination stdout should be redirected to (in the example above: a file or pipe)
  3. Assigns this file descriptor to the process’ stdout
  4. Runs the echo command by calling exec()

This concept is very powerful, and concisely explained inside the fifth chapter “Process API” of the (free) book Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, by Remzi and Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau.

OCI runtime init

With these essential concepts clarified, we now have enough context to understand what may happen between the Create and Start phases of an OCI container’s lifecycle.

In the first section of this article, we saw that runc create had eventually given birth to a new process which wasn’t the expected container’s application, but rather runc itself. A careful study of libcontainer reveals that this phase, called bootstrap, starts a parent process with the command /proc/self/exe init (the runc executable itself). This process inherits the Linux cgroups and namespaces of the future container init process (pid 1, nginx), receives the OCI runtime configuration of the container process to be executed from its parent, and remains in that state until the Start phase is initiated1.

This is conceptually very similar to the fork() UNIX syscall, in the context of a fork() + exec().

runc create

At the end of the Create phase, runc writes the state file state.json inside the root directory referenced by the --root CLI flag. This file contains information such as the process id of the bootstrap process. It is read by all subsequent runc commands, as a source of truth to be able to determine the current status of the container based on the state of its init process.

└── state.json

Additionally—and I deliberately omitted to mention it until now—a named pipe (FIFO) called exec.fifo was created inside that same root directory.

├── exec.fifo
└── state.json

This named pipe is what enables the host to communicate its intention to start the container to the bootstrap process, and initiate the next phase: Start. The write end of this named pipe is attached to the bootstrap process, while its read end remains closed for now. The bootstrap process remains stuck on a blocking write to exec.fifo, until runc start gives its “go” by reading from it.

At this stage, the caller—for instance a container manager like containerd—is free to perform whatever additional step(s) it sees fit before starting the container. In the wild, this often translates into setting up the container’s network interface(s) by invoking a chain of CNI plugins2. After such operations are complete, the caller may initiate the Start phase.

What happens in this second and final phase of the container’s startup is literally an exec() syscall from the bootstrap process into the container’s init process, triggered by a read from the aforementioned exec.fifo named pipe. The bootstrap process already received the container’s runtime configuration from the parent runc process during the Create phase, so there are no additional steps to be performed here.

runc start

Finally, the exec.fifo named pipe is deleted.

Appendix: bootstrap process uncut

The entirety of the initProcess struct—with a few irrelevant attributes omitted for clarity—is exposed below for reference:

libcontainer.parentProcess(*libcontainer.initProcess) *{
    cmd: *os/exec.Cmd {
        Path: "/proc/self/exe",
        Args: []string len: 2, cap: 2, [
        Env: []string len: 7, cap: 12, [
        Dir: "/home/acotten/mybundle/rootfs",
        Stdin: io.Reader(*os.File) *{
            file: *(*os.file)(0xc000082060),},
        Stdout: io.Writer(*os.File) *{
            file: *(*os.file)(0xc0000820c0),},
        Stderr: io.Writer(*os.File) *{
            file: *(*os.file)(0xc000082120),},
        ExtraFiles: []*os.File len: 3, cap: 4, [
    messageSockPair: libcontainer.filePair {
        parent: *(*os.File)(0xc000014bb0),
        child: *(*os.File)(0xc000014bb8),},
    logFilePair: libcontainer.filePair {
        parent: *(*os.File)(0xc000014bc0),
        child: *(*os.File)(0xc000014bc8),},
    config: *libcontainer.initConfig {
        Args: []string len: 4, cap: 4, [
            "daemon off;",
        Env: []string len: 4, cap: 4, [
        Cwd: "/",
        Capabilities: *(*"libcontainer/configs.Capabilities")(0xc0000bf200),
        User: "0:0",
        AdditionalGroups: []string len: 11, cap: 16, [
        Config: *(*"libcontainer/configs.Config")(0xc0000e21e0),
        Networks: []* len: 0, cap: 0, nil,
        PassedFilesCount: 0,
        ContainerId: "mycontainer",
        Rlimits: []libcontainer/configs.Rlimit len: 1, cap: 1, [
    manager: libcontainer/cgroups.Manager(*libcontainer/cgroups/fs.manager) *{
        cgroups: *libcontainer/configs.Cgroup {
            Name: "",
            Parent: "",
            Path: "/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618e251c7da66f84d18fe66f2ee67d...+15 more",
            ScopePrefix: "",
            Resources: *(*"libcontainer/configs.Resources")(0xc000002300),
            Rootless: false,
            OwnerUID: *int nil,},
        paths: map[string]string [
            "memory": "/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618e2...+40 more",
            "net_cls": "/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618...+42 more",
            "net_prio": "/sys/fs/cgroup/net_prio/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa6...+44 more",
            "": "/sys/fs/cgroup/unified/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618e251c7d...+35 more",
            "cpuset": "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618e2...+40 more",
            "rdma": "/sys/fs/cgroup/rdma/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618e251c7...+36 more",
            "devices": "/sys/fs/cgroup/devices/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618...+42 more",
            "cpu": "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618e251c7da...+34 more",
            "perf_event": "/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event/default/1b260428b931d1c2...+48 more",
            "misc": "/sys/fs/cgroup/misc/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618e251c7...+36 more",
            "cpuacct": "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618...+42 more",
            "pids": "/sys/fs/cgroup/pids/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618e251c7...+36 more",
            "blkio": "/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618e251...+38 more",
            "hugetlb": "/sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618...+42 more",
            "freezer": "/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/default/1b260428b931d1c22fa618...+42 more",
    container: *libcontainer.linuxContainer {
        id: "mycontainer",
        root: "/run/runc/mycontainer",
        config: *(*"libcontainer/configs.Config")(0xc0000e21e0),
        cgroupManager: libcontainer/cgroups.Manager(*libcontainer/cgroups/fs.manager) ...,
        initPath: "/proc/self/exe",
        initArgs: []string len: 2, cap: 2, [
        initProcess: libcontainer.parentProcess(*libcontainer.initProcess) ...,
        initProcessStartTime: 0,
        state: libcontainer.containerState(*libcontainer.stoppedState) ...,
        created: (*time.Time)(0xc0001d42b0),
        fifo: *(*os.File)(0xc000014be8),},
    fds: []string len: 0, cap: 0, nil,
    process: *libcontainer.Process {
        Args: []string len: 4, cap: 4, [
            "daemon off;",
        Env: []string len: 4, cap: 4, [
            "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bi...+1 more",
        User: "0:0",
        AdditionalGroups: []string len: 11, cap: 16, [
        Cwd: "/",
        Stdin: io.Reader(*os.File) ...,
        Stdout: io.Writer(*os.File) ...,
        Stderr: io.Writer(*os.File) ...,
        ExtraFiles: []*os.File len: 0, cap: 0, nil,
        Capabilities: *(*"libcontainer/configs.Capabilities")(0xc0000bf200),
        Rlimits: []libcontainer/configs.Rlimit len: 1, cap: 1, [
        Init: true,
        ops: libcontainer.processOperations nil,
        LogLevel: "4",
        SubCgroupPaths: map[string]string nil,},
    bootstrapData: io.Reader(*bytes.Reader) *{
        s: []uint8 len: 32, cap: 32, [
        i: 0,
        prevRune: -1,},

Without going into the detail of each nested attribute, it is worth highlighting a few of its properties:

  • cmd describes the bootstrap command: runc init.
    • The named pipe exec.fifo, which is used for communicating the beginning of the Start phase to the bootstrap process, has its file descriptor referenced in the environment variable _LIBCONTAINER_FIFOFD. It references the cmd.ExtraFiles item with the address (*os.File)(0xc000014be8), which incidentally is also referenced by container.fifo.
  • A de-serialized version of the OCI runtime configuration (config.json) is visible in the config field: container cmd, environment variables, working directory, etc.
    • A large part of this configuration is in fact hidden behind the config.Config and config.Capabilities fields, but expanding them here would add a lot of noise to the sample, and both are well described inside the OCI runtime specification.
    • This entire container configuration is communicated in JSON format to the bootstrap process over the UNIX socket pair messageSockPair, as soon as the bootstrap process is started. This data is critical as it allows the bootstrap process to exec() the container’s command with the expected environment during the Start phase.
  • The container and process fields have some overlap with the config field. These are respectively the internal representation of the container (as seen by runc/libcontainer), and a representation of the container’s init process specifically (nginx).
  • The cgroups assigned to the bootstrap process, and therefore to the container’s init process, are visible in the manager field: cpu, memory, blkio, etc.
  1. runc create actually forks twice during the bootstrap sequence to allow the second child to be started inside the final Linux namespaces, while the first child eventually exits. The detail of this flow would require a dedicated article. 

  2. The CNI specification is not part of the Open Container Initiative (OCI). It is however a widely adopted standard within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) ecosystem, predominantly through the Kubernetes project.